An anime television series adaptation was introduced on March 18, 2021. The sequence is animated by Passione and directed by Yuki Ogawa, with Takahiro Majima serving as assistant director, Shintarō Matsushima serving as directing assistant, Kenta Ihara supervising and writing the collection’ scripts, ChikashiKadekaru designing the characters and serving as chief animation director, and Makoto Uno designing the monsters. Verify mark signifies function has been confirmed utilizing screenshots of closing credit and other dependable sources. Kadokawa Shoten began publishing the sequence in print in April 2019 and has launched seven tankōbon volumes as of March 2022. The collection is licensed in English by Yen Press. As they journey there, Yulia reveals they should journey through a haunted tunnel to achieve the spot.
After school, Miko and Hana exit to purchase pastries, but Miko gets distracted looking at her telephone and accidentally ends up in a line of ghosts queuing up to be eaten by a larger ghost. After shopping for their pastries, Hana and Miko come to an abandoned kitten being haunted by a ghost that stares at it. Ready at a bus cease in the rain, a terrifying ghost of a previous, rotting lady seems and calls to know if Miko can see her. After Hana arrives, Miko sees the handsome man in a relationship with a girl who’s haunted by numerous spirits of clingy jealous males, giving her the impression that they’re each unfaithful lovers. At the cafe, she sees a handsome younger man haunted by the spirit of a clingy jealous lady and has to covertly persuade the ghost she’s not fascinated with the man.
While accompanying Hana to a park, Miko, by chance, attracts the attention of a hostile ghost posing as a human baby, which then tries to assault her, but it is destroyed by the shrine maiden spirits. Two men then arrive, one a handsome younger man and the opposite an intimidating-looking scarred man. She then sees a ghost groping Hana and is unable to get rid of it until it sees the extra-engaging college nurse and switches to groping her as a substitute. Miko returns to dwelling, but while getting ready Mushoku Tensei shop for bed, the ghost of a man seems in her bathroom and leans with his hand on the mirror, explaining the handprint she noticed that morning. Miko Yotsuya begins noticing issues, comparable to dogs barking at nothing and a handprint on her mirror.